Federal crop insurance is available for more than 100 different crops, although not all insurable crops are covered in every county. The program is authorized by the Federal Crop Insurance Act (which is actually title V of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, P.L. In the United States, a subsidized multi-peril federal insurance program, administered by the Risk Management Agency, is available to most farmers. For these major crops, a large share of plantings is covered by crop insurance. Four crops-corn, cotton, soybeans, and wheat-typically account for more than 70% of total enrolled acres. crop acreage is insured under the federal crop insurance program. Major crops are insurable in most counties where they are grown, and about 90% of U.S. In 2019, crop insurance policies covered almost 380 million acres. In the United States, the federal government subsidizes an average of 62 percent of the premium.